experience and professional spirit, and required of special
supervisors in physical training, music, fine and applied arts,
domestic art and science, manual or industrial training, or
agriculture, may be granted to persons who have completed a
four years' high school course or the equivalent; who have had
four years of additional work of a college grade, approximately
one-half of which was in general academic subjects, and ap-
proximately one half of which was in the special branch or
branches for which the certificate is issued, including not
less than three hundred recitation hours in the theory of edu-
cation and in the art of teaching and supervising their par-
ticular specialty, and who have had four years of experience
in teaching, two of which were in their specialty.
4. A high school principal's certificate, valid throughout
the State for three years, renewable on evidence of successful
experience and professional spirit, and required in all State-
aided high schools of the first group and schools rated as high
schools of the first group by the State Superintendent of
Schools, may be granted to persons who are graduates of a
standard college or university, or who have had the equivalent
in scholastic preparation; who have had in addition a full
year's graduate work at a standard university, approximately
one-third of which was in advanced study related to high
school branches and approximately two-thirds in education,
including high school methods, supervision, and administra-
tion, or who have had the equivalent in scholastic preparation,
and who have had two years' teaching: experience.
5. A high school teacher's certificate in the academic sub-
jects, valid throughout the State for three years, renewable on
evidence of successful experience and professional spirit, and
required in all State-aided high schools of the first group and
all schools rated as high schools of the first group by the State
Superintendent of Schools, may be granted to persons who are
graduates of a standard college or university, or who have had
the equivalent in scholastic preparation; provided that during
their college course at least two high school branches were con-
tinuously pursued for two years; and provided that they have
had not less than two hundred recitation hours of instruction
in education, including the aims of secondary education, and
in the methods, observation, and practice teaching; of high
school subjects; provided, further, that the State Superinten-
dent of Schools may in his discretion certificate persons possess-
ing the foregoing qualifications to teach in the elementary