AN ACT to repeal Section 1 of Chapter 38 of the Laws of
1900, entitled "An Act to authorize the appointment of a
justice of the peace who shall have jurisdiction in and for
the town of Takoma Park"; to re-enact the said section with
amendments, denning the jurisdiction, duties and manner
of appointment of said justice of the peace; authorizing him
to be bonded; requiring him to account for and pay over to
the said town certain fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs;
and providing for his compensation; and to repeal Section
620 of Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title ''Montgomery County," sub-title "Takoma
Park" as enacted by Chapter 790 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1912.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 1 of Chapter 38 of the Laws of 1900, en-
titled "An Act to authorize the appointment of a justice of the
peace, who shall have jurisdiction in and for the town of Ta-
koma Park," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-en-
acted with amendments, so as to read as follows:
Section 1. The Governor is hereby authorized and em-
powered, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and Council
of the town of Takoma Park, to appoint a justice of the peace
for the said town, situate partly in Montgomery County and
partly in Prince George's County, whose jurisdiction shall be
confined to the limits of the said town. In that portion of the
said town which is within the territorial limits of Montgomery
County, the said justice of the peace shall have concurrent civil
and criminal jurisdiction with the police justice at Rockville;
and in that portion of the said town which is within the terri-
torial limits of Prince George's County, the said justice of the
peace shall have concurrent civil and criminal jurisdiction with
other justices of the peace in the said Prince George's County.
The Mayor and Council of the said town may in their discre-
tion require the said justice of the peace to give a bond to the
town of Takoma Park, Maryland, in such penalty as may be
fixed by the said Mayor and Council, not to exceed $500, with
a surety to be approved by the said Mayor and Council, condi-
tioned, that he will well and faithfully perform the duties and
obligations of justice of the peace within the territorial limits
of the said town, as such duties are defined in this Act and
other statutes of this State, which bond, if required by the