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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 722   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 118. Care shall be taken in installation and mainte-
nance of telephone and signal lines to avoid and prevent grounds
and crosses with circuits of higher potential, and to protect
persons using such lines from injury.

SEC. 119. Systematic, periodic examinations and reports
of the condition of all wiring and electrical equipment and
apparatus shall be required by regulation of the Bureau, to be
made by the operator, in all such mines.

CHAPTER XVII—Materials, Facilities and Supplies.

SEC. 120. The operator shall provide and deliver at the
working faces or as near thereto as they can be conveyed in
mine cars, a sufficient supply of props, cap-pieces and tim-
bers, cut square at one end, and as nearly as practicable of
the proper size and length for the purpose intended. Every
workman needing timber shall notify the operator at least
one day in advance, giving the number, size and length of
props, cap-pieces and other timber required. In case of emer-
gency, such materials may be ordered in such a manner as
the operator may provide; and if the necesssary materials can-
not be supplied when required, the mine foreman shall instruct
such workman to vacate the place until such materials have
been supplied. Provided, That before the miners start work
in any such mine, where work has not recently been carried
on, the operator shall first properly timber the entry, room, or
other excavation, lay up track thereto, and prepare the same
ready for such work.

SEC. 121. The operator shall keep on hand at all times a
sufficient quantity of materials, supplies and facilities required
by the provisions of this act or regulations thereunder, to pre-
serve the health and safety of employees. Whenever the opera-
tor cannot procure any of such materials, supplies or facilities
then presently necessary, he shall notify the mine foreman to
withdraw the men from any mine or portion of mine affected
until such materials, supplies or facilities are received.

SEC. 122. The Bureau shall prescribe regulations govern-
ing the quality and tests of illuminating oils used in mines
of this State, which tests shall be applicable to all oils and
other illuminants offered for sale and purchased for use in
such mines; and no oils or other illuminants shall be sold,
purchased or burned for illuminating purposes in any such
mine unless such oil or other illuminant has been tested and


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 722   View pdf image (33K)
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