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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 723   View pdf image (33K)
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certified by the Bureau; and shall prescribe regulations gov-
erning the transportation into., storage and use within such
mines of illuminating and. lubricating oils and other illumin-
ants for any purpose intended.

SEC. 123. Any person who shall sell for use in any mine,
or any employee who shall use, or any operator or mine fore-
man who shall permit to be used in any mine in this State,
any oil or other illuminant other than as prescribed by this
act or regulations thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor;
and it shall be the duty of the district mine inspector, when-
ever he suspects that this act has been violated, to take test
samples of any illuminant and subject the same to the test
prescribed by the Bureau under this act.

CHAPTER XVIII—Dangerous Gases in Mines.

SEC. 124. Accumulations of gas shall not be removed from
a mine or part of a mine by brushing or the use of water; and
any operator, mine foreman or fire boss who shall knowingly
permit the same to be done, or workmen who shall so offend,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

SEC. 125. The operator shall immediately notify the dis-
trict mine inspector upon the discovery of any large body of
explosive gas in any mine, whether explosions have occurred
or not; and shall direct and see that steps are immediately
taken to remove such gas, by properly directed air currents
carrying adequate ventilation up to the faces from which the
gas exudes, or by other appropriate means. No open flame
shall be permitted in the affected portion of such mine, and
full precautions against accidents shall be taken.

SEC. 126. The mine foreman shall see that every mine gen-
erating explosive gas is kept free of standing gas in working-
places or roadways. Unless securely and safely sealed, under
regulation of the Bureau, any accumulation of explosive or
noxious gas shall be removed from worked-out or abandoned
portions of any mine as soon as possible after its discovery;
and until such gases have been removed no person who may
be endangered by the presence of such gases and who is not
engaged in removing the same, shall be allowed to remain in
the affected portion of such mine. All dangerous places and
the entrances to worked-out and abandoned parts of such mines


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 723   View pdf image (33K)
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