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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 721   View pdf image (33K)
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of the foreman at such mine and filed with the district mine
inspector for his official use.

SEC. 112. At every mine where electricity is used for power,
there shall be employed a competent mine electrician who
shall have full charge of the electric apparatus and system in
and about such mine, but who shall be subject to the authority
of the official in charge of such mine.

SEC. 113. All electric apparatus shall be of approved type,
strongly designed and constructed and of ample capacity for
the purpose intended or to which it may be put; all parts car-
rying electric current shall be effectually insulated against the
conditions of such intended service; and the installation there-
of shall be so protected that hazards to life and property may
be minimized...

SEC. 114. Ample and well constructed switches and other
protective devices shall be provided upon all circuits, and espec-
ially upon branch circuits, which, shall be protected against
electrical leakage and extraneous damage, and all switches so
devised that accidental closing or interference by unauthor-
ized persons may (be prevented or forestalled; and in all cir-
cuits where the load may suddenly approach or exceed the safe
capacity of the circuit or apparatus, circuit interrupting de-
vices shall be installed.

SEC. 115. Electric current of high voltage may be trans-
mitted underground only when the circuit is carried inside
metallic sheaths or armor, such sheaths or armor to be per-
manently grounded; and such current may be applied only to
transformers or motors in which the high voltage windings are
a part of the stationary element thereof.

SEC. 116. Explosives shall not be hauled or transported
in the vicinity of live electric apparatus or circuits unless such
explosives are placed in an insulated, covered box; nor placed
upon an electric locomotive at any time; nor temporarily placed
nor stored near electric currents or equipment; and when ex-
plosives are carried by hand, the utmost precautions shall be
taken to avoid contact with electric apparatus or circuits.

SEC. 117. Especial care shall be exercised along haulage
ways and in any portion of a mine where persons or animals
may come into contact with electric apparatus or cirouits, and
in all trolley circuits and transmission lines, under which per-
sons or animals must pass properly to install and protect the


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 721   View pdf image (33K)
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