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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 714   View pdf image (33K)
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and endangering others, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-

SEC. 88. All hoisting apparatus and facilities shall be and
be maintained adequate safely to support a strain equivalent
to five times their maximum load. Every part of such appa-
ratus and facilities shall be examined every twenty-four hours
when any such mine is being operated, by a competent repre-
sentative of the operator, and a detailed report of their con-
dition written in the mine foreman's record book, dated and
signed; which report shall especially note any material defects
or needed repairs, which shall be remedied immediately and
until so remedied no further use of such apparatus shall be
permitted. In addition to his own inspection of such appa-
ratus and facilities, the district mine inspector shall at each
inspection visit examine such written reports and ascertain
whether all repairs have been made.

CHAPTER XIII—Haulage; Transportation; Mining


SEC-. 89. Whenever, on slopes, planes, or at any point at
or within any such mine, the grade is sufficient to allow cars
to run, the operator shall provide and employ safety blocks or
other approved devices to prevent cars from falling into the
shaft or running away down any grade.

SEC. 90. No steam locomotive or steam boiler shall be used
in the underground working of any such mine.

SEC. 91. All tracks hereafter laid shall uniformly leave at
the same side throughout each heading and room a clear space
between any car used thereon and the rib or any intervening
obstacle, of not less than thirty inches; and this space shall
be kept free of obstruction.

SEC. 92. Except where sprags are used exclusively every
mine car shall be so equipped, including an efficient brake, as
the Bureau by regulation may require. The oiling or greasing
of such cars within any such mine is forbidden, unless the
place where such oiling or greasing is done is thoroughly
cleansed once every day of all waste, oil or grease.

SEC. 93. No person shall ride upon or against any loaded
car or cage in any shaft or slope; nor shall any person other
than the trip runner or a mine official in the performance of


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 714   View pdf image (33K)
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