building or inflammable structure at or connected with such
SEC. 84. At least once in every six months, and oftener
if required by the district mine inspector, all boilers used for
generating steam in or about any such mine shall be inspected
and tested, under regulations of the Bureau; and a report
thereof, upon blanks provided by such Bureau, shall be made
to the district mine inspector and the Bureau by the operator
of such mine. Such report shall state the experience of the
person making the tests, and be countersigned by the mine
foreman or superintendent.
SEC. 85. At each shaft or slope, subject to regulation by
the Bureau, there shall be provided and maintained a sub-
stantial structure of adequate height and capacity, to sus-
tain pulleys, cables and loads; only steel or iron wire cable
or cable approved by the Bureau shall be used for such hoist-
ing; and the hoisting apparatus shall be completely equipped
with adequate and approved drums, brakes, indicators and
safety devices; hoisting cages shall be strongly built, protected,
and equipped with approved devices to prevent persons or
property from falling therefrom or therewith, or from other
mishap; such cages shall not be operated faster than six hun-
dred feet per minute, when men are being hoisted; no more,
passengers shall be transported upon any such cage at any one
time than are permitted for such cage by written certificate
of the district mine inspector, issued annually or oftener if
necessary or desirable.
SEC. 86. When men are in the bottom of a shaft, rock or
coal shall not be hoisted except in a bucket, cage, or approved
lifting device; to be securely connected to the hoisting rope
and so arranged that there shall be no danger of its tipping
while being hoisted or lowered. Regulations shall be made for
installation and use of buckets or other freight hoisting1 de-
vices. No person except mine officials and repair men, shall
be permitted to ride upon a loaded car or with cars or mate-
rial of any kind, on either cage; except that a driver may ac-
company an animal of which he is in charge, when such ani-
mal is securely penned by gates or in a suitable box or in
a sling.
SEC. 87. Any person disobeying the orders of a gateman
given to enforce the cage passenger permit herein elsewhere
provided for, or crowding; or pushing to get on or off any cage