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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 715   View pdf image (33K)
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duty be permitted to ride on any empty car or trip on any
slope, plane, return track or shunt switch when the speed of
such car or trip exceeds six miles per hour. No person, other
than the driver, trip runners, mine officials or repair men
traveling upon emergency duty, shall be permitted to ride on
loaded cars at any point. Where the distance from the mouth
of the mine to a principal working thereof exceeds three thou-
sand feet, and the employees engaged in such principal work-
ing upon one shift exceed ten in number, such employees
shall be transported in empty cars to and from the common
point nearest to such principal working at the beginning
and end of such shift, at a speed not exceeding six miles per
hour. Provided, that the Bureau may make special regula-
tions when necessary.

And provided further, that if any operator contends that
it is impracticable to furnish such transportation at any par-
ticular mine, and if, after investigation and hearing, the Bu-
reau is satisfied that such compliance is impracticable, the
Bureau may suspend or modify such requirements and its
determination shall be subject to appeal by any party inter-
ested to the Circuit Court for the county within which the
mine is located.

Locomotives shall carry a bright headlight when in use, and
when engaged in main line haulage shall be permitted to push
cars only in emergencies and at a speed limited to six miles
per hour, in which case the leading car shall bear a signal light.
The rear car of any trip shall carry a signal light, and all
trips hauled by endless cable shall carry a white light on the
leading car. A safety catch or other safety device shall be
placed on the rear end of the last car of all trips passing up
steep grades or planes. Where cars or trips pass through auto-
matic doors the trip rider shall observe that such doors close,
and if they fail to do so, he shall immediatelv return and close

the same. The transportation of tools and materials in and
out of the mine shall be under the direction of the mine fore-

SEC. 94. No person shall travel on foot to or from his
work on any slope, plane or haulage road, unless no other
roads are provided or available for that purpose, and then only
at such times as permitted by the mine foreman. No person
except officials and repairmen shall be permitted to travel on
slopes or planes while cars are in motion thereon.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 715   View pdf image (33K)
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