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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 712   View pdf image (33K)
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way, properly guarded, covered and protected, or for suitable
hoisting apparatus and lifting cages, or both; and for fre-
quent periodic examinations, records of the condition of and
reports upon all such, to be required of the operator thereof;
and for direction signs, conspicuously located at all points
within bituminous coal mines of this State, where intersecting
roadways or entries may produce doubt as to the proper direc-
tion to the nearest outlet.

SEC. 81. Provision shall be made for proper ventilation of
shafts while they are being sunk. Until a second means of
outlet becomes available from every part of any mine worked
by shaft, a cage or other safe means of egress shall at all
times be kept available for use of persons within such mine.
During construction or deepening of any shaft, ample pro-
vision shall be made for protection of workmen engaged in
such construction or deepening, against falling or against acci-
dents from caving in or from materials falling down the shaft.
Unless the strata being penetrated are solid, every shaft shall
be lined, eased or otherwise made secure; and the operator
shall direct and see that all loose rock or other dangerous
materials are removed from the sides of such shaft or from
any staging or timbers therein, especially after each blast; and
whenever persons are employed upon platforms in shafts the
operator shall see that said platforms are properly and safely
constructed and secured.

SEC. 82. The Bureau shall prescribe by regulation for the
provision and maintenance of safety gates or other adequate
protective devices at top and intermediate landings of shafts
and steeply inclined slopes; and for the employment of com-
petent gatemen when in the judgment of the Bureau such em-
ployment is desirable; and defining the duties of such gate-
men; and for the construction and unobstructed maintenance
of safety passageways sufficient in area and height for com-
fort and easy use, at needed points within such mine; and for
indicating and illuminating lights at such points in such mine,
including the bottom of shafts and intermediate points where
cages may stop, as the Bureau may deem desirable.

CHAPTER XII—Hoisting, Power and Apparatus.

SEC. 83. The permanent boilers used for generating steam,
and buildings containing the same, shall not hereafter be con-
structed nearer than sixty feet to any mine opening or to any


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 712   View pdf image (33K)
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