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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 711   View pdf image (33K)
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than sixteen (16) yards, as the district mine inspector by
written safety order may require.

SEC. 76. The operator of every such mine shall provide
and maintain under regulations of the Bureau, sufficient open-
ings to the surface from each seam of coal worked, to assure
at all times free ingress and egress from every part of the
mine, and reasonable safety for all persons employed therein.

SEC. 77. The Bureau shall by regulation prescribe such
reasonable provision of traveling ways, and upon haulage
roads for such refuge holes of ample area and height and
for other protective devices, and for such frequent periodic
examination, care, and inspection of same, as may adequately
protect all persons entering into such mine from dangers inci-
dent to mine transportation.

SEC. 78. All abandoned mines or portions of mines, and
all abandoned openings and sinkholes to the surface shall be
securely fenced off at the entrances thereto.

SEC. 79. The operator shall direct and see that as the
miners advance in their excavation, all dangerous and doubt-
ful pieces of strata overhead are taken down or carefully
secured; and to that end the operator shall adopt sound meth-
ods of timbering the roof and spragging the coal, uniform
throughout the mine so far as practicable and approved by
the district mine inspector. Any workman who neglects or
refuses to obey any proper instructions or orders relating to
securing his working place shall be suspended or discharged;
and if such neglect or refusal results in injury to any person,
the name of such workman and the facts shall be reported
to the district mine inspector; provided, that if any such work-
man shall have previously given timely notice to the operator
of his need for materials, or of an existing dangerous condi-
tion which he could not personally remedy, such workman
shall not be held to have violated the provisions of this section.

CHAPTER XI—Shaft Mining.

SEC. 80. At every mine worked by shaft and employing
more than ten men at any time for any purpose, the Bureau
shall prescribe by regulation for adequate provision and con-
stant maintenance of at least two distinct and separate means
of ingress and egress, available to every person in and access-
ible from every part of such mine; and for sufficient stair-


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 711   View pdf image (33K)
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