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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 710   View pdf image (33K)
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708 LAWS or MARYLAND. [CH. 307

SEC. 70. Such miner shall immediately cease work if at

any time he finds his place has become dangerous from any
cause or condition beyond his power to remedy. Upon leaving
such place, he shall place some plain danger signal at the
entrance thereto, to warn other persons from entering; and
shall immediately notify the mine foreman; and he shall not
return thereto until notified by the mine foreman that the
danger has been removed.

SEC. 71. It shall be the duty of each employee at any such
mine to notify the mine foreman or other official of any unsafe
condition, including' unsafe conditions of any working place,
haulage road, or traveling way, or of damage to doors, brat-
tices, or of obstructions to any air passage or failure in the
ventilation which may become known to such employee.

SEC. 72. Any person who shall intentionally or carelessly
injure any safety lamp, instrument, air course or brattice, or
without authority handle, remove or damage any fencing,
means of signalling, apparatus or machinery, or shall obstruct
or throw open airways, or enter a place in or about any
mine against caution, or carry fire, open lights, matches,
pipes or other smokers' articles beyond any station beyond
which approved safety lamps are used, or open any door the
opening of which is forbidden, or disobey any order given
in carrying out the provisions of this Act or regulation pur-
suant thereto, or do any other act whatsoever, whereby the
lives or health of persons employed or the security of the
mine property is endangered, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-

SEC. 73. Such special duties relating to security of lives
or property may be defined and required of each employee in
or about such mines by classes of employment, as the Bureau
by regulation may prescribe.

SEC. 74. Each workman, when employed, shall have his
attention directed to the general and special rules by the per-
son employing him.

CHAPTER X—Mine Excavations.

SEC. 75. The operator of any such mine shall direct and
see that proper breaks-through, for purposes of ventilation,
are made between entries or in room pillars, at such dis-
tances apart, not more than thirty-five (35) yards nor less


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 710   View pdf image (33K)
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