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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 709   View pdf image (33K)
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Such record shall be kept in the foreman's office at the
mine for examination by the district mine inspector and by
any person employed at such mine.

The mine foreman shall also each day read carefully and
countersign with red ink all reports entered on the record
book of the fire boss.

It shall be the duty of the mine foreman for the operator
to report immediately all violations of this Act to the dis-
trict mine inspector; and also to make an immediate report
to such inspector and to the operator of such mine upon
the occurrence of any serious or fatal accident, in such form
and including such information as the Bureau may prescribe.

SEC. 67. If the mine foreman or an assistant mine fore-
man shall violate any provision of .this Act, or by neglect or
from any other cause become incapacitated for the proper
discharge of his duties, the district mine inspector shall after
satisfying himself by investigation, prefer charges before the
Examining Board, and take such additional steps as the nature
of the case may require; and whenever any mine official or
employee or other person shall solicit or receive any sum of
money or other consideration from any person for the pur-
pose of procuring employment for any person, or continuing
in the same, or for the purpose of procuring any favor, pro-
motion, advantage or facility in employment in or about such
mine, such mine official, employee or other person shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

CHAPTER IX—Employees and Others.

SEC. 68. No person shall be permitted to work in any
mine until he has satisfied the operator thereof that he can
do the work allotted to him without endangering the lives
of his fellow workers, unless such person is put to work with
an experienced miner or some qualified person whose duty
it shall be to instruct such person how to perform his duties
safely and properly.

SEC. 69. Each miner shall examine his working place upon
entering same before commencing work, and after any stop-
page of work during the shift he shall repeat such examina-
tion ; and if any part of the roof thereof needs propping, he
shall prop the same, and shall not commence or resume work
until it is made safe. Such miner shall be very careful to
keep his working place in a safe condition at all times.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 709   View pdf image (33K)
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