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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 708   View pdf image (33K)
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from the vicinity of such danger until notified that it has
been removed.

(d) Post danger signals of uniform type across the en-
trance to any mine or portion of such mine or other con-
spicuous point in case of danger, and see that such signals
are kept there until the danger has been removed.

(e) Report immediately to the operator of such mine
whenever the ventilation or other machinery fails to discharge
its functions adequately, or upon discovery of accumulations
of gas or water, or any other unusually dangerous condition.

SEC. 64. When assistant mine foremen are employed, their
duty shall be to assist the mine foreman in complying with
the provisions of this Act, and in the absence of the mine
foreman the superintendent shall designate an assistant who
shall perform the duties of the mine foreman. Such assistants
shall be liable to the same penalties as the mine foreman for
any violation of this Act.

SEC. 65. For the purpose of this Act the superintendent
or mine foreman in direct charge of the operations of any
mine shall be considered as the agent of the operator thereof,
and shall be held jointly responsible with such operator for any
failure to comply with this Act or regulations pursuant there-
to, governing operators or agents.

SEC. 66. Such mine foreman or his assistants shall on
each day the mine works, enter plainly and sign in ink, in a
book provided for the purpose, a report of the condition of
the mine and of their examination thereof made on that day,
including the following facts:

(a) Any danger or dangerous condition observed or re-
ported, and what steps have been taken to remedy the same.

(b) Whether or not there is a proper supply of material
on hand for the safe working of the mine.

(c) Whether or not the requirements of this Act are com-
plied with.

(d) If such mine is gaseous, a report of all air measure-
ments within such mine as herein elsewhere required to be

(e) If such mine is not gaseous, a report once a week of
all air measurements within such mine as herein elsewhere
required to be taken.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 708   View pdf image (33K)
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