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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 707   View pdf image (33K)
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immediate services of a certified man, he may employ any
trustworthy and experienced man as mine foreman or assistant
mine foreman for a period not exceeding thirty days, and in
the event that no person possessing a certificate of competency,
satisfactory to such operator, can be found to fill the position,
then the Chief Mine Engineer may grant a temporary certifi-
cate to some person satisfactory to such operator whom such
Chief Mine Engineer may deem qualified, who may fill the
position until thirty days from and after the next meeting
of the Examining Board held for the purpose of granting
certificates of competency.

SEC. 63. The mine foreman shall devote his entire time
to his duties, when the mine is in operation; and shall, sub-
ject to the supervision and control of the operator thereof, have
charge of the inside workings of such mine and of all persons
therein employed; and he shall see that all applicable pro-
visions of this Act and regulations thereunder are strictly
obeyed. For such purpose, such mine foreman shall, person-
ally or by his assistant—

(a) Visit each working place once each day while the em-
ployees are at work, to see that each place is properly tim-
bered, drained, secured and reasonably safe; that a sufficient
supply of timber and other facilities is on hand ready for use;
that all loose coal or other dangerous material is taken down
or secured, especially upon traveling ways and airways; that
standing water is drained from passageways and working
places; that explosive and noxious gases and dangerous ac-
cumulations of dust are removed; and that in general the venti-
lation, stoppings, doors, timbering, drainage, traveling and air
ways, trackage and other mine works and ways are in good
working order and in reasonably safe condition.

(b) Instruct all employees in safety measures, including
placing of timber to prevent falls and other accidents; to
safeguard moving parts of machinery which may injure per-
sons passing nearby; and to see that all persons and property
are at all times protected against mining risks as required by
this Act.

(c) Attend promptly to removal of any dangerous con-
ditions coming to his knowledge; and in case it is impracti-
cable to remove such dansrer at once, to order every person
whose safety is menaced thereby, to leave and remain away



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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 707   View pdf image (33K)
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