at each mine and local postoffice in or contiguous to coal mining
territory throughout the State.
SEC. 37. The Examining Board shall have power to make
necessary rules and regulations, copies whereof shall be pub-
lished and supplied to applicants upon request.
SEC. 38. Each applicant for a certificate of competency
shall be required to answer in writing at least ten questions
designed to discover his knowledge of mining theory, includ-
ing ventilation, drainage and mining methods; and of the
mining laws of Maryland; and in examinations for first-class
mine foreman certificates and for fire boss certificates, as to his
theoretical knowledge of noxious and explosive gases found
in coal mines. Such applicant shall also be required to answer
orally, if practicable during a visit to a coal mine, and in
examinations for first-class mine foreman certificates and for
fire boss certificates, in a gaseous coal mine, at least ten ques-
tions upon practical mine problems designed to display his per-
ception, resourcefulness and practical judgment. The oral
questions and replies thereto shall be reduced to writing and
become a part of the record of such examination. The Exam-
ining Board shall grade applicants upon a basis of one hundred
points credited for perfect answers, allowing equal weight for
each qualification of theoretical knowledge, perception, re-
sourcefulness and judgment; and rejecting any applicant fail-
ing to receive 70 points upon all four qualifications combined.
Each applicant shall be notified the grade accorded him.
SEC. 39. No applicant for a certificate of competency shall
be admitted to an examination until he has filed upon a form
to be provided by the Bureau, a sworn statement as to all
matters of fact establishing his right to receive the examina-
tion, a certificate of good character and temperate habits signed
by at least ten residents of the community in which he lives,
and the fee prescribed for the examination to be taken, to-
gether with the following particular qualifications shown:
(a) Applicants for first-class mine foreman certificate of
competency shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Examin-
ing Board that they are citizens of Maryland, at least 24 years
of age; and shall furnish a verified history of their experience
in mining employment, showing in detail the several mines in
which they have worked, their location, the particular occupa-
tions followed therein during a period of at least five years,
and particularly their knowledge of gaseous mines and the