during the year, with the name, special occupation and service
in which engaged at the particular time, of any person injured
or killed, the mine, and the nature and cause of the accident;
together with recommendations tending to prevent similar acci-
CHAPTER Y—Creation, Duties and Powers.
SEC. 35. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Mine En-
gineer, the Governor shall appoint two persons, one a miner
and the other an operator, who with the Chief Mine Engineer
shall constitute an Examining Board, of which the Chief Mine
Engineer shall be chairman, ex officio. Each of such persons
shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the
State of Maryland, not less than thirty years of age, shall
have had not less than five years' practical experience in the
coal mining industry immediately preceding his appointment,
and shall be a man of integrity, known intelligence and knowl-
edge of his occupation. Such members shall remain in office
until upon like recommendation their successors or any of
them are appointed and qualified. Before entering upon their
duties each of the members of such Examining Board shall
take and subscribe the oath provided by the Constitution.
Such Examining Board shall be provided such office room,
meeting space, equipment, stenographic and other assistance,
supplies and facilities as may be approved by the Governor.
Stenographic help and other employees of the Board shall be
selected in accordance with the rules of the State Employ-
ment Commission. Each of such associate members shall be
paid for each day of services rendered as member, a salary
of six dollars, together with necessary traveling expenses,
not exceeding two hundred dollars in any year for such ex-
SEC. 36. The Examining Board shall meet at such places
as it may select, convenient for applicants for examination, as
soon as possible after their appointment, and annually there-
after ; and at need upon call of their chairman in special meet-
ings for the purpose of preparing for or conducting examina-
tions, not more frequently than twice in any year; provided,
that such Examining Board may not sit for examination longer
than four days at any meeting. At least thirty days' notice of
any meeting for examination shall be given by posters placed