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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 700   View pdf image (33K)
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extent of the experience therein; and shall pay an examination
fee of five dollars to the State.

(b) Applicants for second-class or assistant mine foreman
certificates of competency shall produce evidence satisfactory
to the Examining Board that they are residents of Maryland,
at least twenty-four years of age, and shall furnish a verified
history of their experience in mining employments, showing
in details the several mines in which they have worked, their
location, the particular occupations followed therein during a
period of at least five years; and shall pay an examination fee
of one dollar to the State.

(c) Applicants for fire-boss certificates of competency shall
produce evidence satisfactory to the Examining Board that
they are residents of Maryland, at least twenty-one years of
age, and shall furnish a verified history of their experience in
mining employments, showing in detail the several mines in
which they have worked, their location, the particular em-
ployments followed therein during a period of at least one
year, and particularly their knowledge of gaseous mines and
extent of experience therein; and shall pay an examination fee
of three dollars to the State.

SEC. 40. Each successful applicant shall upon paying a
certificate fee of one dollar to the State be entitled to a certifi-
cate of competency, to be signed by the Examining Board.
Such certificate shall state the name, age and residence of the
person certified, the position for which qualified, and his expe-
rience; and upon such certificate shall be mounted a photo-
graph of the holder to be furnished by himself across which
shall be impressed the seal of the Examining Board. No cer-
tificate shall be transferable. In case of loss or destruction of a
certificate, the Examining Board upon being satisfied thereof
shall supply a copy of such certificate to the person losing the
same, upon payment to the State of a fee of fifty cents.

SEC. 41. Any person or persons who shall forge or counter-
feit a certificate of competency, or knowingly make or cause to
be made any false statement in any certificate under this Act,
or any official copy of same, or shall urge others to do so,
or shall use any such forged or false certificate, or any official
copy of such, or shall knowingly make, give, alter or produce,
or make use of any false declaration, representation or state-
ment in any certificate or copy thereof or to obtain any certi-
cate, or any document containing the same, shall be guilty of a


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 700   View pdf image (33K)
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