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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 697   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 33. It shall be the duty of each inspector to see to
the strict enforcement of all laws and regulations relating to
mining; to investigate all violations thereof; to file complaints
and to make affidavits against any violators before the proper
courts or tribunals, and to see to the enforcement of all penal-
ties prescribed for disobedience to such laws and regulations.
Each of such inspectors shall exercise sound discretion in such
enforcement; if in his judgment any matter, thing or practice
in or connected with any mine is or may become dangerous or
defective and thereby endanger the bodily safety of any person,
such inspector may give written notice to the operator of such
mine by way of special safety order, a copy of which shall also
be sent to the Chief Mine Engineer; in which safety order
shall be stated in detail the particulars wherein such matter,
thing or practice is or may become dangerous or defective, and
require it to be remedied, suggesting such changes as the con-
ditions described may require. If the operator contends that
the matter, thing or practice is not in fact dangerous, nor
likely to become dangerous, such inspector shall refer the sub-
ject matter to the Chief Mine Engineer for his examination
and determination; provided, that if the matter, thing or prac-
tice involve the safety of a mine or any considerable portion
of a mine, and the operator after receipt of such order neglects
or refuses to take immediate steps to remedy such matter,
thing or practice, the inspector shall notify the Chief Mine
Engineer, who shall with a district mine inspector immediately
make a full investigation, and provided further, that if the
Chief Mine Engineer and district inspector agree as to the dan-
ger and confirm such safety order, or modify and confirm such
safety order as modified, the Chief Mine Engineer shall have
power to institute proceedings before the Circuit Court of the
county within which the affected mine is located, to restrain
such operator from further operating such mine until compli-
ance with such safety order. Such court, or if not in session,
then a judge thereof in chambers, shall immediately proceed to
fully hear and determine the case, and may make such orders
therein, confirming, modifying, correcting and enforcing or
vacating said safety order as may appear just and proper;
and the costs thereof may be awarded as the court may think

SEC. 34. Each of such district mine inspectors shall annu-
ally, on such date and as the Bureau by regulation may pre-
scribe, report to the Bureau such data and information as the
Bureau may require, including reports upon each accident


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 697   View pdf image (33K)
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