the duties of his office, and shall have no interest, direct or
indirect, in any mining operation or mining investment in this
or any contiguous State.
SEC. 31. Should a district mine inspector become tempor-
arily incapacitated, be suspended for cause, or receive a leave
of absence from the Bureau, the Chief Mine Engineer may
employ temporarily, subject to the rules of the State Employ-
ment Commission, a competent person to fill the office until
the return to duty of such inspector; provided, that such tem-
porary employment shall not exceed ninety days; and pro-
vided further, that such temporary employee shall be paid Pt
the rate of compensation allowed such inspector.
CHAPTER IV—General Duties and Powers of District
SEC. 32. It shall be the duty of each district mine inspec-
tor, not less frequently than six times in each year in gaseous
mines, and not less frequently than three times in each year
in non-gaseous mines, to enter into and thoroughly inspect
every working-place and other excavation, machine, facility
and process and all outside works, ways and plants of every
coal mine in his inspection district or to which he may be
assigned, to see that the mine laws and regulations are strictly
observed and carried out; and at need to make additional
visits to such mines to investigate in case of accident occur-
ring therein or thereat. Such inspection or investigation may
be made at any hour, but not so as to impede unnecessarily
the proper working of such mine. The inspector shall im-
mediately after each visit make out a report in triplicate,
one copy to be for the operator to be by him posted under glass
for thirty days at or near the principal mouth of the mine, con-
venient for observation by employees, and to be preserved
thereafter for one year; one for the Chief Mine Engineer; and
one to be retained by the district mine inspector. Such re-
port shall state the conditions found in every part of the mine,
in detail; and may include suggestions and recommendations
looking toward improvement of conditions and better law ob-
servance : and shall especially bring to the attention of the
operator or any other person concerned, and be notice to them
and any of them, of any instance of violation of law or regu-
lations observed, at, in or about such mine. A report of such
visits, summarized as to conditions found and recommenda-
tions made, shall be made monthly by each such inspector to
the Bureau.