CHAPTER. III—Mine Inspectors.
SEC. 28. The Governor shall, upon the recommendation of
the Chief Mine Engineer, appoint from a list of eligibles pre-
viously established by the State Employment Commission, such
number of district mine inspectors, not less than two, as may
from time to time be authorized by appropriation or other law.
Before entering upon his duties, each such district inspector
shall take the oath prescribed by the Constitution. Each dis-
trict inspector shall be reimbursed his necessary traveling ex-
penses upon monthly accounts properly supported by vouchers
approved by the Chief Mine Engineer, within such amount
as shall not exceed such allowance as may from time to time
be provided therefor by appropriation or other law.
SEC. 29. Such district mine inspectors shall be reputable
citizens of Maryland, of temperate habits and known integrity,
who shall each have attained the age of thirty years, and shall
have had at least five years' practical experience as a working
employee in the underground operations of coal mines in this
State; who shall have passed a mine foreman examination be-
fore the Examining Board hereinafter provided for, and ob-
tained a certificate of competency with a passing grade at least
equal to eighty-five per centum, and shall have satisfied the
State Employment Commission that he has such theoretical
and practical knowledge of the working, ventilation, drainage
and operation of bituminous coal mines and of all noxious and
explosive gases found therein, and of the mining law of this
State, and such personal fitness and ability as to be suited
for the duties of such district mine inspector; provided, that
four years after the passage of this Act, such district mine
inspector shall be required to pass the first-grade mine fore-
man examination with a passing grade at least equal to eighty-
five per centum.
SEC. 30. Each of such district mine inspectors shall be
assigned by the Bureau, and at need reassigned, to a prescribed
inspection territory. The districts, covering the mining area
of the State, shall be divided and from time to time redivided
so as to be approximately equal in extent of labor and expense
of inspection imposed upon each of such district mine inspec-
tors. Each of such inspectors shall reside and maintain his
office within the territory to which he may respectively be as-
signed. Each of such inspectors shall devote his entire time tc