cist holding a permit from the United States Government to
dispense liquor or intoxicating drinks on prescriptions of regu-
larly practicing physicians, for non-beverage purposes, and any
and all duly registered druggists or pharmacists holding such
permits, engaged in such business, or who shall hereafter en-
gage in the drug business in Ellicott City, as aforesaid, shall
be, and they are hereby authorized to buy, hold and dispense
within said corporate limits alcoholic liquors, for medicinal
purposes, under the license and authority of the United States
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That- this Act is an
emergency law, and necessary for the immediate preservation
of the public health and safety, and having been passed by a
yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths of all of the mem-
bers of each of the two Houses elected to the General Assembly,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact- with amendments Section 455
of Article 23 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Cor-
porations," sub-title "Public Service Commission."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 455 of Article 23 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-title "Public Service Com-
mission," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendment so as to read as follows:
455. All provisions of this sub-title in reference to steam
railroads, street railroads, gas and electric light corporations
and common carriers, in reference to hearings, summoning wit-
neseses, taking of testimony, reports, approval of incorporation
and certificates of franchises, the approval of issues of stock,
bonds and other forms of indebtedness, consolidation, lease,
transfer of franchises, valuation of property, plants, and fran-
chises, keeping of accounts, complaints as to quality, price,
facilities furnished, the fixing of just and reasonable prices and
adequacy of service, forfeitures of all descriptions, forfeitures
for non-compliance with the orders, summary proceedings un-