foxes, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to shoot
at or shoot a fox that is being pursued by a dog or dogs.
SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful to liberate any fox bred or
raised in captivity or imported into Baltimore County, unless
for the purpose of immediate chase.
SEC. 4. Any person or corporation violating the provisions
of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace, shall be fined
not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars, nor more than fifty
($50) dollars; for each offense, one-half of such fine or fines to
be paid to the informer and the other half to the Board of Coun-
ty School Commissioners, for the use of the public schools of
said county.
SEC. 5. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act
are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to repeal Sections 9SA to 98G, inclusive, of Chapter
281 of the Acts of 1892, as amended by Chapter 249 of the
Acts of 1902 of the Public Local Laws, title "Howard
County," subtitle ''Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks," so far
as the same apply to druggists within the corporate limits of
Ellicott City, and to add a new section thereto, to be known
as Section 98H
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 98A to 9SG, inclusive, of Article 14 of the
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "'Howard County," sub-
title ''Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks," be and they are hereby
repealed so far as they apply, or shall be construed to apply, to
registered druggists, within the corporate limits of Ellicott
City, holding permits from the United States Government, to
dispense intoxicating liquors for medicinal purposes, and to
add a new section to said article, to follow immediately after
Section 98G thereof, and to be designated as Section 98H, and
to read as follows:
98H. That the provisions of this Article shall not apply,
nor be construed to apply to a registered druggist or pharma-