in reference to same as said Board in its discretion shall deem
wise and proper for the proper protection and care of the coun-
ty property.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the first dav of July, A. D. 1922.
Approved April 13th, 1022.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of Education of Prince
George's County and the County Commissioners of Prince
George's County to issue to the amount of not more than
eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00) the bonds of said
county for the purpose of acquiring sites for new school
houses, with the approval of the State Board of Education,
and for building certain new school houses in said county,
and for the purpose of building additions or making altera-
tions to existing school houses therein, and for the purpose
of equipment for such new or improved school houses, said
bonds to be issued from time to time in the joint discretion
of said boards; and to authorize and direct the County Com-
missioners to levy the necessary amounts to pay the interest
on said bonds as issued, and to create a sinking fund for the
payment of the same at maturity.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That whenever the Board of Education of Prince
George's County shall think it advisable to acquire a site, with
the approval of the State Board of Education, and to build a
school house at any of the hereinafter named locations, or to
build additions to or to make alterations in school houses now
existing in said county, and to purchase equipment for such
newly erected school houses, or for such improved school houses,
they may by resolution request the County Commissioners of
said county to issue the bonds of said county to pay for the
same, and if the County Commissioners of said county concur
in the advisability of issuing such bonds for the purposes indi-
cated in such resolution, they may by their resolution order
that .the same shall be issued as hereinafter provided, but the
total amount of bonds issued hereunder shall not exceed the
sum of eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00), and the pro-
ceeds thereof shall be spent in accordance with the provisions