Neither the Mayor nor any of the Councilmen shall hold any
other office under the corporation during their respective terms
of office, neither shall they nor any other officer of the corpora-
tion, either directly or indirectly through the medium or
agency of other persons, enter into any contract or contracts
with the corporation.
Section 2D. That all elections to fill the offices of Mavor,
Councilman and Treasurer and for other purposes, shall be by
ballot, and shall be held in the first Monday in May in each
year, except as otherwise provided by law. No persons shall
be allowed to vote in any election in said town except those
persons whose names shall appear upon the register of voters
in the ward where such persons shall appear to vote and who
shall be actual residents, as hereinafter defined, of said town
upon the day of the election. The Mayor and Common Coun-
cil shall annually appoint two judges and two clerks, who
shall themselves be registered voters, to conduct the elec-
tion in each of said wards. The polls shall be open from the
hour of nine o'clock A. M. to the hour of seven o'clock P. M.,
when they shall be closed, and no ballots shall be deposited in
the ballot box after that time. The said judges and clerks shall
conduct such elections, canvass the ballots and certify the re-
sults in the manner prescribed by the General Election Laws of
this State for State and county elections, except that said
judges and clerks shall within twenty-four hours after the
closing of the polls in each election deliver into the hands of
the Mavor one certificate or return of the result of the canvass
of the ballots cast in the election, together with the tally sheet,
and shall deliver another certificate or return of the result of
said canvass, together with the other tally sheet, into the hands
of the chairman of the Council, and shall deliver the ballot
box containing the ballots, properly sealed, to the clerk of the
Council in person.
Section 2G. That the Mayor and Common Council shall
have full power and authority and are hereby authorized and
directed to appoint annually two registration officers for the
entire town; to appoint two judges and two clerks of election
annually for each of said wards; to fix the pay and compensa-
tion of such registration and election officers; to provide books
of registration, ballot boxes, ballots and all necessary forms: to
fix the polling place in each ward, and, whenever the Mayor and
Common Council shall direct a general registration of voters,
to appoint for such registration two registration officers for