fied and confirmed; provided, however, that nothing in this
section shall be construed to prevent the several Boards of
Supervisors of Elections in the counties of this State.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted,, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1922.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to amend Chapter Number Three of the Acts of the
special session of the General Assembly of Maryland, of
1920, relating to the town of Hyattsville, by repealing and
re-enacting with amendments Sections 2B, 2D and 2G so as
to extend the term of the Mayor to two years, to reduce the
number of registration officers and enlarge their jurisdic-
tion and to reduce the number of judges of election.
Section 2B. That the Mayor shall be elected from the town
at large and shall be elected for a term of two years. Two
of said Councilmen shall be elected from each of the three
wards of which the town is composed and each Councilman
shall be elected for a term of two years, except in case of an
election to fill a vacancy in that office, when the election shall
be for the unexpired term. The Mayor and Councilmen shall
bold their respective offices for the several terms aforesaid and
until their successors shall have been duly elected and quali-
fied, unless otherwise terminated by operation of law. The
Mayor and all Councilmen shall retain throughout their re-
spective terms of office all the qualifications necessary for their
election, and their failure to retain all such qualifications shall
ipso facto cause a forfeiture of their respective offices.
No persons shall be eligible as Mayor or Councilmen except
those who, upon the day of election, shall be citizens of the
United States, and of the State of Maryland, registered voters
of said State and of the town of Hyattsville, actual bona fide
residents of the town of Hyattsville, in the sense that they have
had no home elsewhere for a period of two years immediately
next preceding the day of the election, and in the case of
Councilmen, residents of the ward from which they shall be
elected, and shall be assessed upon the assessment boots of
said town for improved real estate located in said town, used
for business- or residential purposes, of the total value for Loth
land and improvements of at least one thousand dollars.