as upon the lot now owned by the State in the City of Cum-
berland, of suitable Armories, and to equip such Armories in
a suitable way, and to make all contracts necessary for the
said purpose, the title of said ground and to said Armories or
buildings when completed to be in the State of Maryland, and
the said Armories or buildings to be for the use of the Organ-
ized Militia, and to contract for alterations and repairs to the
Fifth Regiment Armory in Baltimore and to the Fourth Regi-
ment Armory in Baltimore, and to the buildings and grounds
now used by the Organized Militia at Dundalk, and to con-
tract for the erection and construction and suitable equipment
of a Gun Shed, Stable, and suitable Store Room in connection
with the State Armory at Pikesville; provided that the said
monies shall only be paid to the Adjutant General and the
Board of Public Work as the ground authorized is purchased,
and as the State Armories or buildings and equipments, alter-
ations and repairs progress, and upon certificates signed by
the Adjutant General and the Board of Public "Works that the
particular ground has been purchased or the work done for
which payment is asked, to wit:
For the purchase of land and construction and
equipment of Armories in the Cities of Hagerstown,
Centerville, Silver Springs and Cumberland........ $250, 000
For Alterations and repairs to the Fifth Regiment
Armory, Baltimore............................... 25, 000
For alterations and repairs to the Fourth Regiment
Armory, Baltimore.............................. 15, 000
For the construction and equipment of a Gun Shed,
Stable and suitable store room in connection with the
State Armory at Pikesville....................... 25, 000
For alterations and repairs to the buildings and
grounds now used by the Organized Militia at Dundalk 5, 000
Total................................. $320, 000
Provided that should the proceeds from the sale of the said
Fourth Regiment Armory lot, amount to less than $320, 000,
the Adjutant General shall decide which of the items listed in
the above schedule shall be eliminated. or reduced in order
that the total amount to be expended for all the above pur-
poses shall not exceed the proceeds of the sale of the said
Fourth Regiment Armory lot.
Provided further, that should the proceeds of the sale of
said lot be in excess of $320, 000, or should the above men-