AN ACT to add an additional section to Chapter 347 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of 1918, entitled, "An Act
authorizing the Board of Public Works to dispose of the lot
of ground in Baltimore City at the northeast corner of
Maryland Avenue and North Avenue, acquired for the pur-
pose of the Fourth Regiment Armory, and no longer needed
for that purpose", to be known as Section 2, and to follow
immediately after Section 1, the said Section 2, providing
for the use of the monies received from the sale of the
said lot by the Adjutant General and the Board of Public
Works in the acquiring of ground, erecting and equipping
of Armories and of a Gun Shed, Stable and Storage room
at certain places, and in the repairing and alteration of
Armories and buildings and in the making up of an equip-
ment fund for the Armories of the ORGANIZED
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That an additional section be, and the same is hereby
added to Chapter 347 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
1918, entitled: "An Act authorizing the Board of Public Works
to dispose of the lot of ground in Baltimore City at the north-
east corner of Maryland Avenue and North Avenue, acquired
for the purpose of the Fourth Regiment Armory, and no longer
needed for that purpose", to be known as Section 2, and to
follow immediately after Section 1, the said Section 2, provid-
ing for the use of the monies received from the sale of the
said lot by the Adjutant General and the Board of
Public Works in the acquiring of ground, erecting and equip-
ing of Armories and of a Gun Shed, Stable, and Store room
at certain places, and in the repairing and alteration 6f Armories
and buildings, and in the making up of an equipment fund
for the Armories of the Organized Militia.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all monies arising
from the sale of the above mentioned lot shall be promptly
turned over in the proportions set out in the schedule
below, to the Adjutant General and the Board of Public
Works who are hereby authorized, and clothed with
all the rights and powers necessary to acquire, by
purchase, condemnation or otherwise, of ground in each of
the Cities of Hagerstown, Centerville and Silver Springs, and
to contract for the erection and construction thereof, as well