tioned building program be completed at a total cost of less
than $320, 000, such excess fund arising from either or both
causes shall be turned over to the Adjutant General and the
Board of Public Works to be expended by them for the ac-
quisition by purchase, condemnation or otherwise of a lot or
lots and the erection of an armory or armories thereon in any
city or cities to be selected by them or for the equipment of
the Armories of the Organized Militia.
And provided further that in no case shall the amount in-
dicated in the above schedule be exceeded for any of the pro-
jects there listed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1st, 1922.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to repeal Section 6 of Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, (1911), as amended by Chapter 506
of the Code of 1916, entitled "Public Education, " sub-
title "Formation of Boards, " so far as said Section applies
to Anne Arundel County, and to amend the same by adding
a new section thereto, to be known as Section 6A, pro-
viding for an increase of the number of County Board
of Education for Anne Arundel County from three to five.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that Section 6 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, (1911), as amended by Chapter 506 of the Acts of
1916, and entitled "Public Education", sub-title "Formation
of Boards", so far as said section applies to Anne Arundel
County, and to amend the same by adding a new section thereto,
to be known as Section 6A of said Article; and to read as
SEC. 6A. The Governor shall appoint a County Board of Ed-
ucation for Anne Arundel County, to be composed of five persons,
three of whom shall be men, and two of whom shall be women:
one of the members of said board shall hold office from the first
day of June, 1922, to the first Monday in May, 1924; two cf whom
shall hold office from the first day of June, 1922, to the first
Monday in May, 1926; two of whom shall hold office from the