all other provisions shall be repealed or abrogated to the extent
of such inconsistency.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore-
said, That said aforegoing section, hereby proposed as an
amendment to the Constitution shall be at the next general
election for Members of the House of Representatives of Con-
gress held in this State submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of the State for adoption or rejection, in pursuance of
the directions contained in Article XIV of the Constitution of
this State, and at the said general election the vote on the said
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot,
and upon each ballot there shall be printed the following synop-
sis of said amendment under the caption of
"This amendment provides that all State officers, except
judges, and all county officers elected by qualified voters shall
be elected in every fourth year for terms of four years begin-
ning with the election in November, nineteen hundred and
twenty-six. The terms of State and county officers to be elected
in nineteen hundred and twenty-three are reduced to three
years, and the terms of other elective officers are increased or
reduced, as necessary, so that their successors may be elected in
nineteen hundred and twenty-six. Terms of officers appointed
by the Governor and by County Commissioners are adjusted
in harmony with the terms of the officials by whom they are
appointed. The General Assembly shall meet in nineteen
hundred and twenty-four for a regular session, and again in
nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, and every two years there-
after. Other provisions of the Constitution and of the Laws
are adjusted to harmonize with the above changes"; and the
words "For Fewer Elections Amendment" and "Against
Fewer Elections Amendment, " as now provided by law, and
immediately after said election due returns shall be made to
the Governor of the vote for and against said proposed amend-
ment, as directed by said Fourteenth Article of the Constitu-
tion, and further proceedings had in accordance with said
Article Fourteen.
Approved April 13th, 1922.