362 LAWS or MARYLAND. [CH. 153
lands and property within the corporate limits of said town;
to establish building lines, and to require all persons erecting
buildings in said town to conform thereto; to establish grades
of the streets, gutters and sidewalks of said town and to fix
the width thereof; to open and keep open and free from obstruc-
tion, all streets and public reservations; to grade, close or alter
the same; and their rights, powers and duties in relation there-
to shall, except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, be the same
as is provided by the Code of Public General Laws of this
State for opening, altering and closing public roads by the
Board of County Commissioners, with the right to appeal to the
Circuit Court for the County.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council shall have full power to pass such ordinances
as they may deem, necessary for the good government, health,
and improvement of the town, and for the preservation of
peace and good order therein. They may provide by ordi-
nance for the opening and closing of streets, alleys, the straight-
ening, widening and improvement of same, for the establish-
ment of width and care of sidewalks and the construction of
the same; they may by ordinance cause such license to be
issued as the State laws may permit, upon such terms and
conditions as to them may seem proper; they shall have full
power to impose such fines, penalties and punishment for the
breach of their ordinances as they may think proper. They
may recover such fines or penalties by an action of debt, and
in addition thereto may provide for the commitment of the
offender for a period of not more than thirty days, to such
place of confinement as they may provide.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the Council shall
have the same power as the State Board of Health, within the
corporate limits of the said town. They may adopt and pro-
vide an efficient system of drainage. They may adopt suit-
able measures for the removal of garbage, sewerage, etc., and
fix the amount to be paid therefor.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That those parts of the
several county roads within the limits of said town, and all
roads, streets, avenues, or alleys, which now are or shall here-
after be shown, or any plat or addition to the platted part of
said town, as public highways, and accepted by the Mayor and
Town Council as such, are hereby made and declared to be
public streets, avenues and alleys of said town, and shall be