from time to time improved and repaired as the public interest
may require and the resources of the town justify.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Prince George's County and the Board of Road
Commissioners of said county shall pay to the Mayor and Town
Council of Brentwood, or the Treasurer thereof, three-fourths
of all taxes collected for roads and bridges levied on the prop-
erty within the limits of said town, and said sum so paid shall
be expended by the Mayor and Town Council in the repairs and
improvements of the streets and roadways of said town, said
payment to include three-fourths of said taxes so paid on the
levy of 1922, in the event of a vote adopting this Charter as
hereinafter provided.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be
lawful to sell intoxicants of any kind, in any quantity what-
ever, except by prescription of attending physician in regular
practice, nor to grant or issue, nor cause to grant or issue, any
license to sell intoxicating liquors of any kind, in any quantity
whatever, except by such prescription within the corporate lim-
its of Brentwood; and if any such license be granted or issued
in violation thereof, the same shall be void.
SEC. 17. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall have power to levy, on or before the 30th day of June
for each year, the tax year commencing the first day of July,
taxes at such rates as they may find necessary for anticipated
expenses for the coming fiscal year, not to exceed five cents on
the one hundred dollars assessed valuation, for the first year,
nor more than twenty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed
valuation thereafter, based on the State and County assess-
ments for all purposes, and all taxes so levied shall be a lien
on any and all property of the person, company or corporation
against whom they may be levied, and the taxes for each year
are payable on the first day of July next succeeding the levy
thereof, and will be in arrears and subject to a legal interest
from and after that date.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the Town Treasurer as soon as the annual tax levy is
made and placed in his hands for collection to give notice by
advertisement in one newspaper published in the County, and
proceed to the collection of taxes through the town of Brent-
wood in compliance with the laws for collection of State and
County taxes in Prince George's County.