of all subordinates under them, and shall prescribe their duties
except as herein provided. The Marshal and the health officer
shall each, with the approval of the Mayor and Town Council,
appoint such assistant or assistants, as the Council will allow,
and shall be held responsible under the Mayor for the enforce-
ment of such ordinances as the Mayor and Town Council may
prescribe. They shall attend the meetings of the Council, and
perform such duties as they may be directed. The clerk shall
keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Mayor and Town
Council in a well bound book to be provided by the Mayor and
Council, which shall be open to inspection of all persons inter-
ested therein. He shall receive the taxes and other moneys due
the town, and deliver the same to the Treasurer, keeping a
record of each item. The Treasurer shall keep all moneys
belonging to the town and disburse the same only in accordance
with the ordinances and the orders of the Mayor and Town
Council. The Clerk and the Treasurer shall each give bond
to the Council in such penalties and with such sureties as the
Council may require. The Marshal shall preserve the peace
and good order of the town, and for this purpose he is vested
with the same power and authority as constables now have or
may have hereafter under the laws of this State, within the
corporate limits of said town. The health officer shall make as
frequent inspection as may be necessary to maintain the public
health and sanitary condition of the town, and for this purpose
he is vested with the same authority as any health officer of the
State, within the corporate limits of said town.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Police Jus-
tice shall have all the powers of a Justice of the Peace, in all
cases where the town of Brentwood is a party, and shall re-
ceive the same fees allowed Justices of the Peace in similar
cases; and an appeal be taken to the Circuit Court for the
County within thirty days, which shall hear and determine
the matter as upon appeals from Justices of the Peace. The
Mayor will be vested with power to try and determine all cases
in which the town of Brentwood is a party, in the absence of
the Police Justice of said town.
SEC 11. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council is hereby authorized to make or cause to be
made a plat of said town upon which shall be shown all streets,
roads, and public ways, whether theretofore or hereafter laid
out or projected, and by which all lots and property therein
shall hereafter be described: to control the subdivision of all