Maryland, entitled "Frederick County, " subtitle "County
Commissioners, " as amended by the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland of 1888, and amendments thereto, and codified in
Dennis' Code of Public Local Laws of Frederick County, and
amendments thereto, be and the same is hereby amended by
adding a new section thereto to follow Section 152K so as to
read as follows:
Section 152L. All persons and corporations, before erect-
ing, or repairing any building in Frederick County at an ex-
pense of two hundred and fifty dollars or more, shall be re-
quired to give dimensions and estimated cost and secure a per-
mit in writing from the County Commissioners of Frederick
County before starting said work. All permits to be issued
free of cost. Any person or corporation failing to comply with
this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each
Approved March 1st, 1922.
AN ACT to empower and authorize the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County, Maryland, to borrow money and is-
sue notes therefor, and provide for the payment of same,
to be used for the payment of the work and materials al-
ready done and used, and for repairing and constructing
public roads in said county.
WHEREAS, The increase in costs of materials and labor used
in the repairing and building of public roads has exhausted
the amount levied by said County Commissioners in the year
1921, for those purposes; and,
WHEREAS, The severity of the winter has made it necessary
to have much work done on said roads to render them safe
for travel, but there are no funds in hand to pay for same, and
it is necessary to provide funds for the purpose at once; there-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Wicomico County,
Maryland, be and they are hereby empowered and authorized
to borrow money as they need it, not to exceed in the aggregate