both sides is secured, then both alleys are to be closed in accord-
mice with the provisions of this Act, but if all the land between
Loo and Oak Streets on one side only is secured, then the alley
on that side only shall be closed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the first day of June, 1022.
Approved March 1st, 11)22.
AA ACT to add an additional section to Article 17 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Prince George's
County, " sub-title "County Treasurer, " to be designated
Section 116HH, and relating to defaulted State and County
taxes, and the collection of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That an additional section be added to Article 17 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Prince George's
County, " sub-title "County Treasurer, " to be designated Sec-
tion 116HH, and to read as follows:
116HH. The County Commissioners of Prince George's
County shall make up an itemized list of all State and County
taxes heretofore declared or levied, or attempted to be declared
or levied, by them upon any real estate upon the assessment
books of said county up to and including the year 1919, which
respective items of taxes, with the interest, penalties and costs
thereon, have not been paid and for which the said real estate
levied upon, or attempted to be levied upon, as aforesaid, re-
mains unsold or has been sold to the said County Commission-
ers of Prince George's County, at tax sale, for want of a valid
bid therefor. Each of said items of tax or taxes, with the in-
terest, penalties and costs thereon, is hereby made and declared
to be a valid charge against, and a first lien upon, the real es-
tate upon which the said tax or taxes were, respectively, de-
clared or levied, or attempted to be declared or levied, by the
said County Commissioners. There shall be added to said list,
in connection with each item of taxes thereon, the description,
upon the assessment books of said county, of the real estate
upon or against which each said item of taxes was declared or
levied, or attempted to be declared or levied, as aforesaid; and
if the present owner or owners of said piece of real estate, the
location of the same, by district, the quantity of land, approxi-