of all that certain alley located in the rear of Maple Street be-
tween Loo and Oak Streets, in the town of Frostburg, the said
alley being on the westerly side of the property of the State
Normal School No. 2 in said town, and also all that other cer-
tain alley located in the rear of Centre Street between Loo and
Oak Streets in said town, said alley being on the easterly side
of said school property, and also all that other alley lying be-
tween the property of Annie K. Myers and Hugh Spier, front-
ing on Water Street in said town, and commonly known as
"Old Ormand Street Alley. " And the Mayor and Councilmen
of Frostburg may provide for ascertaining whether any and
what amount in value of damages will be caused thereby to the
owner or possessor of any property lying on or through which
said alleys may pass, which ought to bo compensated by the
appointment of Commissioners to assess the same and for as-
sessing and levying, either generally on the whole assessable
property within the town, or specially on the property benefited,
the whole or any part of the damages and expense which will
be incurred in closing said alleys, or any of them. The Mayor
and Councilmen shall Lave power to grant appeals to the Cir-
cuit Court for Allegany County from the decision of any
Commissioners or other persons appointed in virtue of any
ordinance to ascertain the damage occasioned by the closing of
such alleys, or any of them, and for securing to the person in-
jured the right on application within thirty days from the
return of the report of the Commissioners, to have decided by
a jury trial whether any and what damage he has sustained;
to provide for collecting and paying the compensation awarded
to any person before said alleys, or any of them, shall be so
closed, and to enact all ordinances from time to time neces-
sary and proper to the exercise of the powers granted in this
Act; provided, that before the Mayor and Councilmen pro-
ceed to execute any of the powers vested in them by this Act
at least thirty days' notice shall bo given of any application
which may be made to them for the passage of any such ordi-
nance by such advertisement as they shall prescribe and by
personal notice in writing served twenty days before upon each
property holder to be affected by the passage of the proposed
ordinance, giving notice of the time and place named for the
passage of said ordinance, provided that said parties are resi-
dents of Maryland.
The powers herein conferred as to the two alleys first men-
tioned in this Act shall be exercised only in the event that the
State Board of Education shall secure additional land on the
east or west side, as the case may be, of the present site of the
said school. If all the land between Loo and Oak Streets on