WHEREAS,, Suggestions have frequently been made for the es-
tablishment of a State formal School on the Eastern Shore of
Maryland; and
WHEREAS,, The establishment of such a school would un-
doubtedly be of great value and service to that section of the
State in particular; and
WHERES, The facilities for training teachers should be ex-
tended; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a Com-
mission consisting of the President of the State Board of Edu-
cation, the State Superintendent of Schools, the State Comp-
troller, C. R. Disharoon, L. W. Gunby, Orlando Harrison and
John B. Robins, be and they are hereby appointed to investi-
gate the need and desirability of establishing a State Normal
School on the Eastern Shore of Maryland; and be it further
Resolved, That the said Commission be and it is hereby au-
thorized to have plans prepared for the establishment of such
a school, if the said Commission deems it advisable, and to
select a site for same, and if the funds are available to purchase
said site; and be it further
Resolved, That the said Commission shall be allowed such
reasonable expenses as the Governor shall approve and to make
such expenditures for a site and for the erection of any build-
ings thereon out of any funds which may be provided therefor;
and be it further
Resolved, That the said Commission shall submit a report,
together with such recommendations as it may deem proper, to
the next General Assembly which shall convene in January,
Approved April 13th, 1922.
NO. 22.
Be it Resolved by flie General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Roads Commission be, and is hereby requested to com-
plete as soon as practical, the road from Pocomoke to Stockton,
via Girdletree to Snow Hill, from Snow Hill to Public Land-
ing, from Snow Hill to Salisbury, from Bishop to Bishopville,
from Berlin to Powellville, via Liberty, from Trappe Mills to