Be it further resolved, That the Chairman of the State
Roads Commission be and he is hereby directed to give
to all of the daily and County papers of the State copies
of the reports which he receives from each County for the
purpose of securing a free discussion of ,the same by the
press, with a view to formulating a better method of im-
proving the County roads of the State.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
NO. 15.
WHEREAS, The development of the farm implement and ma-
chinery business in the United States has resulted in the pro-
duction of vast numbers of differing types and sizes of such
labor-saving devices; and
WHEREAS, Manufacture and distribution of such a great
multiplicity of types and models of farm implements and ma-
chinery results in a vast economic waste through duplication of
plant, operating costs, advertising costs and selling expense
and adds to the price which the farmer must pay for farm
machinery and implements of all kinds; and
WHEREAS, During the recent war the War Industries Board
made substantial strides towards the standardization of certain
kinds and types of farm implements and machinery with eon-
sequent economic advantage to both manufacturer and the
farmer; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Maryland, That the
Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry of the United-States
be requested and urged to investigate the feasibility of causing
all forms and types of farm implements and machinery to be
standardized so as to eliminate uneconomic duplication and
waste and the consequent enhancement in cost of production
and distribution of such implements and machinery; and be it
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Chairman of the Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry of
the United States and to the Chairman of the Committees on
Agriculture in the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Approved April 13th, 1922.