WHEREAS, The Legislature of the Commonwealth of Vir-
ginia has failed to pass the legislation as agreed upon for the
protection of the crabbing industry; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Secretary of Commerce of the United States be and he is
hereby requested to take such measures as he may deem advis-
able to secure Congressional legislation which may be necessary
for the protection of the female egg-bearing crab in the waters
of Chesapeake Bay and tributaries; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland be
and he is hereby requested immediately to transmit, under the
Great Seal of this State, a copy of the aforegoing resolution
and memorial to the Secretary of Commerce of the United
Approved April 13th, 1922.
NO. 11.
Joint Resolution expressing the sincere congratulations and
best wishes of the State of Maryland lo the people of Ire-
laud upon obtaining their right of home rule and self govern-
WHEREAS, For hundreds of years past there has existed in
Ireland an era of strife and revolution, during which the lives,
liberty and property and the pursuit of happiness of the entire
people of Ireland have at all times been in great jeopardy; and
WHEREAS,, There has finally been granted to the people of
Ireland the right of home rule and the right of self govern-
ment, for which they have so long and so justly contended; and
WHEREAS, Ily the obtaining* of home rule and the right to
govern themselves the people of Ireland now look forward to
an era of peace, happiness and prosperity; now, therfore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Stare of Maryland, of the United States of America, take*
great pleasure in extending sincere congratulations to the peo-
ple of Ireland over the result of their obtaining the right of
home rule and the right to govern themselves, and sincerely
hope that under their right of self-government they may find
the way to everlasting peace, happiness and prosperity; and
be it further