NO. 9.
RESOLUTION accepting the provisions of the "Act for the pro-
motion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy,
and for other purposes," enacted by the Sixty-Seventh Con-
gress of the United States, and designating the State De-
partment of Health as the agency to administer the pro-
visions of this Act in Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has passed
an act for the promotion of the welfare and hygiene of ma-
turnity and infancy, authorizing the appropriation of
$1,240,000 annually, for five years, to be spent in tbc several
States for these purposes; and
WHEREAS, Said Act provides that it shall be constrv-ed as in-
tending to secure to each of the several States control of the
administration of its provision*- vithin the respective States,
subject only to the provisions and purposes of said Act; and
WHEREAS, Said Act provides that each State, in order to
secure the benefits of the appropriations authorized by said
Act, shall accept, through the legislative authority thereof,
the provisions of said Act, and designate the State agency
which shall co-operate with the agencies of the Government of
the LTnited States in the administration of the provisions of
the Act within such State; and
WHEREAS, The State Department of Health of Maryland is
preparing to organize a bureau of child hygiene, and a bill has
been introduced in this Legislature to authorize the establish-
ment of such a bureau; and
WHEREAS, The aforesaid Act of Congress provides that
whenever a state health agency shall have such a bureau, that
such health agency, through such bureau, shall be designated as
the agency within the State to administer the provisions of the
Act, therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
provisions of the Act of Congress for the promotion of the
welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy (Public No. 97,
67th Congress), known as the Sheppard-Towner Act. be and
the same are hereby accepted by the State of Maryland, and be
it further
Resolved., That the Maryland State Department of Health
be, and the same is hereby designated as the agency which shall