provisions of this Act; but if the majority of the votes cast on
said question shall be against improvement bonds, then this Act
shall be null and void.
SEC.. 5. And be it further enacted, That any and all Acts
of Assembly or part or parts of Acts inconsistent with this
Act are hereby repealed in so far as the same are inconsistent
with this Act.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted., That this is an emer-
gency law, necessary for the health and safety of the citizens
of the town of Lonaconing, and, three-fifths of the members
of the General Assembly concurring therein, shall take effect
from the date of its passage
Approved March 21st, 1922.
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Berwyn, in Prince George's
County, Maryland, to provide for the government thereof
and to provide for the determination by referendum to the
citizens thereof as to whether or not this Act shall become
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the citizens of the Town of Berwyn, in Prince
George's County, Maryland, as the same is more particularly
hereinafter defined, be and they are hereby created a body
corporate by the name of the "Commissioners of Berwyn, " and
by said name may have perpetual succession, sue and be sued,
have and use a common seal, and purchase, hold and dispose
of real, personal or mixed property for municipal purposes.
SEC. 2. That the corporate limits of said town shall be
within the following metes and bounds:
Beginning at a point where the eastern boundary of the
Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad right-
of-way would intersect the northeastern boundary of the sub-
division known Lakeland, extended in a northeasterly direc-
tion to the east aide of the Baltimore and Ohio right-of-way.
Thence following the northern boundary of said subdivision,
in a southwesterly direction to a stone on the west side of the
City and Suburban Electric Railway.