the State of ^v"ew York^ incorporated by Act of 1899, Chapter
468, of the lot of ground in Baltimore City at the northwest
corner or intersection of Patterson Park Avenue and Gough
Street and running thence northerly bounding on the west side
of Patterson Park Avenue twenty-one feet; subject to the pay-
ment of an annual rent of seventy dollars, payable half-yearly
on the first davs of Januarv and Julv in each and everv rear;
t «. t. t t,
said deed bearing date of September 8, 1921, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L.
Xo. 3778, folio 56, etc.
(109) To the sale, grant and deed made and executed by
William Escott to the Salvation Army, a corporation of the
State of Xew York, incorporated by Act of 1899, Chapter 468,
of the lot of ground in Baltimore City, at the southwest corner
of Orleans and Castle Streets, and running thence westerly,
binding on the south side of Orleans Street, twenty feet: thence
southerly, parallel with Castle Street, one hundred feet to a
ten-foot alley; thence easterly, binding on said alley, parallel
with Orleans Street, twenty feet to Castle Street; thence north-
erly, binding on Castle Street one hundred feet to the place of
beginning: subject to the payment of the annual rent of fifty-
five dollars, payable in equal semi-annual installments on the
first days of May and Xovember in each and every Year: said
deed bearing date of July 22, 1920. and recorded among; the
Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 3627.
folio 385, etc.
(110) To a deed from Isabel Collins, John Schutz and Ada
Schutz, his wife, and Lindin Cody Marsh and Eleanor Blake
Marsh, his wife, to the Vestry of Addison Parish Diocese of
Washington, incorporated, dated February 20. 1922. and re-
corded March 27, 1922, in the Land Records of Prince George's
County, conveying about 3.107 acres more or less excepting 240
square feet.
(111) To the sale, grant and deed made and executed by
Irwin Tieperman (also known as Joe Tipman) and Margaruite
A. Tieperman, his wife, To the Salvation Army, a corporation
of the State of Xew York, incorporated by Act of 1899. Chap-
ter 468. of the three lots of ground in Baltimore City, the first
lot thereof being at the corner formed by the intersection of
the north side of Franklin Street and the east side of Jasper
Street, and running thence easterly, binding on the north side
of Franklin Street twenty-two feet, more or less, said lot being