1078 . LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 475
(h) To the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars to the Board
of Managers of the Maryland Institute, a body corporate, duly
ineorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland (desig-
nated as and named the ','Board of Directors of the Maryland
Institute'' in the said will), in trust and confidence to invest
the same in some safe and secure investment, and the net in-
come or interest therefrom to divide into two equal parts, to
be used as cash prizes, one to be awarded by said Board in its
discretion to such student graduating- in the mechanical depart-
ment, and the other part to such student graduating in the
architectural department, said prizes to be known, as the "Mar-
tin Meyerdirck Prizes," as set forth and contained in Section
22 of the aforesaid will.
(106) To the deed and conveyance in fee simple from John
H. Dietrich and Lula Dietrich, his wife, Susie B. Dietrich,
widow of Hammond Dietrich, deceased, Julia B. Dietrich,
widow of William T. Dietrich, deceased, Andrew J. Dietrich
and Susannah H. Dietrich, his wife, A. Clarence Dietrich and
Margaretta J. Dietrich, his wife, and J. Clifford Dietrieh and
Grace Dietrich, his wife, all of the City of Baltimore, in the
State of Maryland, to the Vestry of St. Thomas Church Home-
stead, a body corporate, duly incorporated under the laws of
the State of Maryland, of the lot of ground lying in Baltimore
Citv aforesaid, and located on the northeast side of Alameda,
t - _ _
extending from Thirty-first Street to Thirty-second Street,
fronting 211.02 feet on the Alameda with a depth of 110 feet
to an alley 15 feet wide' and more particularly described in
said deed; the said deed being dated January 10, 1921, and re-
corded among1 the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S.
C. L. Xo. 3689, folio 378, etc.
(107) To the sale, grant and deed made and executed by
Irwin Tieperman (also known as Joe Tipman ), and Margaruite
A. Tieperman, his wife, to the Salvation Army, a corporation
of the State of Xew York, incorporated by Act of 1899, Chap-
ter 468, of all those chattels and personal property located in
the premises known as Reilly's Hotel, at 410 and 412 West
Franklin Street, in Baltimore City: said chattel deed bearing
date of April 20, 1920. and recorded amonar the Chattel Rec-
ords of Baltimore Citv. in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 2^4. folio 318.
(108) To the sale, g;raiit and deed made and executed by
Helen M. Prendiville to the Salvation Army, a corporation of