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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1074   View pdf image (33K)
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laws of the State of Maryland, by its deed dated January 10,
1920, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
aforesaid in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 3513, folio 58, etc., and that
the fee-simple title to the said lot or parcel of ground and
premises, together with the improvements thereon, vest abso-
lutely in the said body corporate (the grantee named in the
deed aforesaid), its successors and assigns, to its own and
their own use and behoof forever, with full power to have,
hold, sell, lease, mortgage, grant, convey and in any other way
whatsoever dispose of the same and of any part and parts

(101) To the sale of a certain fee-simple lot or parcel of
ground and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of
Baltimore, State of Maryland, and described as follows, that
is to say:

Beginning" for the same at the corner formed by the inter-
section of the northernmost side of Edmondson Avenue, as the
same is now laid out, with the easternmost side of Lyndhnrst
Street, as the same is now laid out; and running' thence east-
erly, bounding on the iiorthenmost side of Edmondson Avenue,
as the same is now laid out, one hundred and twenty-five^ feet;
thence northerly, parallel with Lyndhurst Street, as the same
is now laid out, one hundred and fifty feet; thence westerly,
parallel with Edmondson Avenue, as the same is now laid
out, one hundred and twenty-five feet to the easternmost side
of Lyndhurst Street, as the same is now laid out; and thence
southerly, bounding- on the easternmost side of Lyndhurst
Street, as the same is now laid out, one hundred and fifty feet
to the place of beginning (all mention of and reference to
the street and avenue in the aforegoing description and else-
where in this section are for the purpose of description only,
and are not intended, and shall not be taken or construed, to
be a condemnation or dedication thereof to the public use) ;
made by Henry Weill and Fannie Weill, his wife, Henry "W.
Sprague and Mary X. Sprague, his wife, and Charles M. Hugh-
son and Bessie B. Hughson, his wife, to and for the use and
benefit of All Saints' Evangelical Lutheran Church of Balti-
more City, a body corporate, duly incorporated under the laws
of the State of Maryland; and to the purchase, acquisition,
holding and disposing thereof in any manner whatsover by
the said body corporate; and to the orrant, deed and convey-
ance of the hereinbefore described lot or parcel of ground and
premises made or hereinafter at any time to be made by the


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1074   View pdf image (33K)
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