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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1067   View pdf image (33K)
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(71) To sundry gifts, bequests and devises contained in the
residuary clause of the last will and testament of David H.
Carroll, late of Baltimore City, deceased, made to and for the
use and benefit of sundry denominational societies and to cer-
tain charitable institutions, dated September 26th, 1907, pro-
bated November 21st, 1921, being recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills of Baltimore City, in Wills, Liber H. W. J.
]STo. 114, folio 194, as herein set forth:

(a) To a bequest of 50/500 equal parts thereof to the Home
for the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore;

(b) To a bequest of 25/500 equal parts thereof to the Board
of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Inc.;

(e) To a bequest of 25/500 equal parts thereof to the Board
of Home Missions & Church Extensions of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, Inc.;

(d) To a bequest of 15/500 equal parts thereof to the Bal-
timore Deaconess Home of the Methodist Episcopal Church of
Baltimore City.

(e) To a bequest of 10/500 equal parts thereof to the Board
of Education, Freedmen's Aid & Sunday Schools of the Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, Inc.;

(f) To a bequest of 5/500 equal parts thereof to the
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco-
pal Church, Inc., under the laws of N. Y.;

(g) To a bequest of 5/500 equal parts thereof to the
Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco-
pal Church, Inc., under the laws of Ohio.

(72) To the bequest to Vestry of St. Michael and All
Angels Protestant Episcopal Church, in Baltimore City, of an
interest in the Estate of Alexander W. Weems, deceased, under
the will of the said deceased, which was probated in the Or-
phans' Court of Baltimore City on March 7th, 1922.

(73) To the gift and bequest made by Henry Augustus Lit-
tle, late of Frederick County, Maryland, deceased, to the Trus-
tees of the Church of the Brethren "new side" at Beaver Dam.
in Frederick County, Md., as contained in his last will and
testament, dated February 24th, 1914, and admitted to probate
in the Orphans' Court for Frederick County, Md., on Decem-
ber 5. 1916. and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills
for Frederick County, in Liber S. D. T. No. 2, folio 276.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1067   View pdf image (33K)
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