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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1066   View pdf image (33K)
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(b) To a deed from Alice W. Leakin to the Baldwin Me»
morial Methodist Episcopal Church, dated March 9th, 1896,
and recorded in Liber G. W. No. 1, folio 314, of above said
Land Records.

(e) To a deed from Martha E. Morgan to the Baldwin Me-
morial Methodist Episcopal Church, dated March 9th, 1896,
and recorded in Liber G. W. No. 1, folio 317, of above said
Land Records.

(d) To a deed from Summerfield Baldwin et al. to the
Baldwin Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, dated August
31st, 1915, and recorded in Land Records of Anne Arundel
County in Liber G. W. No. 127, folio 56.

(e) To a deed from Summerfield Baldwin, Sr., et al. to
John T. Johnson et al., trustees of the John Wesley Methodist
Episcopal Church, dated July 30th, 1918, and recorded in
Liber G. W. No. 149, folio 235, of above said Land Records.

(f) To a deed from Virginia C. Raborg et al. to the Trus-
tees of the Baldwin Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church,
dated June 8th, 1904, and recorded in Liber G. W. No. 37,
folio 155, of the above said Land Records.

(68) To the bequest of the late Thomas F. Spriggs to the
Baltimore City Missionary and Church Extension Society of
the M. E. Church, dated November 13th, 1919, place of rec-
ord Register of Wills, Baltimore City, Liber H. W. J. 137,
folio 187.

(69) To a sale, deed and conveyance from John T. Mur-
phy and Adelia C. Murphy, his wife, to the Trustees of the
German Emanuel Church of the Evangelical Association in
the City of Baltimore, a body corporate of the State of Mary-
land, dated March 2nd, 1922, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, in Liber* S. C. L. No. 3850, folio
258, of the lot of ground situated in Baltimore City, State of
Maryland, and particularly described in said deed, and to the
holding of said lot of ground and the sale, mortgage or other
disposition thereof by the said religious corporation.

(70) To the bequest of Agnes Walker, deceased, as contained
in the last will and testament, dated March 29th,, 1906, pro-
bated in the Orphans'Court of Prince George's County, and
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of said county,
in Liber G. P. H. No. 1, folio 524, to First Church of Christ,
Scientist, of Baltimore City, a corporation.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1066   View pdf image (33K)
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