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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1065   View pdf image (33K)
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ord in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in
Liber H. W. J. Xo. 139, folio 157:

(a) A bequest of fifteen thousand dollars to the Vestry of
the Church of the Ascension of Baltimore City.

(b) A bequest of three thousand dollars to the Domestic and
Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States of America.

(e) A bequest of three thousand dollars to the American
Bible Societv.


(b) A devise and bequest of all.of the rest and residue of the
testator's estate to the Vestry of the Church of the Ascension
of Baltimore City.

(63) To the bequest of two thousand dollars to the Metho-
dist Church at Perrv's Corner in Queen Anne's Countv, Md.,

t ^ «.• /

in the last will and testament of Buchannon B. Lowe, deceased,
dated August 1st, 1918, and recorded in Liber W. T. B. Xo. 1,
folio 145, a Will Record Book of said county.

(64) To a deed from Henry S. France, Sadie T. France and
Mary H. France to the Committee of the Second Presbyterian
Church Society or Congregation, in the City of Baltimore,
which conveyance is dated October 1st, '1920, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
Xo. 3651, folio 129.

(65) To a deed from William J. Roth to the Committee of
the Second Presbyterian Church Society or Congregation in
the Citv of Baltimore, which convevance is dated June 30th,

t- ^ / t 7

1906, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber R. O. 2252, page 36.

(66) To the gift and bequest of Mary Swan Dunlap to the
Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the
United States of America, as contained in the will and dated
the 10th day of January. 1920, and recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Wills H. W. J. 136,
folio 131.

(67) To certain deeds made by various persons to and for
the use and benefit of religious corporations of Anne Arundel
County, Maryland, as follows :

(a) To a deed from Joshua S. Rawlings to the Baldwin Me-
morial Methodist Episcopal Church, elated Xovember 8th,
1895, and recorded in Lib. G. W. Xo. 1, folio 313, thf Land
Records of Anne Arundel Countv.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1065   View pdf image (33K)
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