(56) To the devise and bequest of Mary A. C. Bevans, late
of the District of Columbia, to the Commissariat of the Holy
Land, Mount Saint Sepulchre, Washington, D. Cv of her es-
tate situate in Allegany County, recorded with the Register
of \Yills of Allegany County on January 24th, 1919.
(57) To the bequest of John Woodman, deceased, to the
Society for the Relief of the Poor of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Baltimore City, a corporation, dated September
26th, 1873, probated in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in Wills J. H. B. Xo. 40, folio 372.
(58) To the gift and grant of certain property on the north
side of Fairmount Avenue, in Baltimore City, by Bernard Hoff-
man to the Tzemach Sedek Xusach Hearrie Hebrew Congrega-
tion of Baltimore City for church purposes, the sub-lease being
dated March 17th, 1916, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore Citv in Liber S. C. L. ^"o. 3035, folio 404.
t/ 7
(59) To the deed from Maria C. Hooper to the Carmelite
Sisters of Baltimore, a body Corporate, dated the third day of
July, 1902, and recorded in Liber R. O. 3To. 1967, folio 429,
of a lot in the City of Baltimore on the north side of Franklin
Street and to the holding and disposing of the same according
to law by the said body corporate.
(60) To the acquisition and holding by the Church Exten-
sion Society of Diocese of Maryland, a body corporate, and its
successors, of the fee-simple property situated in the City of
Baltimore and more particularly described in a deed from the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, dated 31st May, 1921,
and duly recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. isTo. 3700, folio 264.
(61) To the acquisition and holding by the Convention of
the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland,
a body corporate, and its successors, of the fee-simple property
situated in the City of Baltimore, mentioned and described in
a deed from Arthur Boehm and wife to the Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, dated
Januarv 5th, 1920, and duly recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 3534, folio 329.
(62 ) The following bequests contained in the last Will and
Testament and Codicil thereto of Alice Simpson, late of Balti-
more City, deceased, dated, respec-tively, on 26th March, 1913,
and 14th April, 1917, duly admitted to probate and now of rec-