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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1063   View pdf image (33K)
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ment, recorded among the Testamentary Records of said county
in Wills Book No. 19, folio 488, to the Vestry of White Marsh
Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Talbot County,
in the Diocese of Easton, Maryland, of two thousand dollars
for the use of St. Paul's Church at Trappe.

(51) To the devise and bequest of Rosalie Tilghma Shreve,
late of Baltimore City, State of Maryland, deceased, recorded
among the Testamentary Records of said city in Wills Book
Liber H. W. J. !STo. 136"folio 161, et seq., as follows:

(a) To the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the Diocese of Easton, Maryland, a house and lot of land
known as Honey Moon Cottage, located on Baltimore Avenue,
in Ocean City, Worcester County, Md., to be used as a vaca-
tion clergy house, as a memorial to a deceased sister, Mrs. Hen-
rietta Kerr Burroughs.

(b) To the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
the Diocese of Easton, Maryland, towards the maintenance of
said vacation clergy house, stock of the par value of five thou-
sand dollars in the Plimhimmon Hotel Company of Worcester
County, Maryland.

(52) To the bequest of Burgess G. "W. Reid, deceased, dated
March 22, 1907, probated in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore
City, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in Wills No. 105, folio 319, to the Methodist
Preachers' Aid Society of Baltimore, a corporation.

(53) To a deed from Isabella A. Reid to the Methodist
Preachers' Aid Society of Baltimore, dated May 9th, 1911, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber

S. C. L. No. 2657, folio 2,59.

(54) To the bequest to the Missionary Society of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, a corporation, as contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Burgess G. W. Reid, deceased, dated
March 22nd, 1907, probated in the Orphans' Court of Balti-
more City and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in Wills No. 105, folio 319.

{5,5) To the bequest of the Methodist Preachers' Aid So-
ciety of Baltimore, a corporation, as contained in the Last Will
and Testament of John Woodman, deceased, dated September
26th, 1873, probated in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in Wills J. H. B. No. 40, folio 372.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1063   View pdf image (33K)
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