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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1062   View pdf image (33K)
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of Baltimore Citv, and at the end thereof absolutelv to the said

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Bennett Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, if then in ex-
istence, but if not then in existence, the said ten thousand dol-
lars to be divided equally between the Home Missionary Society
and the Foreign Missionary Society of the First Methodist
Episcopal Church of Baltimore City.

(45) To a deed made by William J. Johnson and Mary
Johnson, his wife, of a lot of land in Baltimore City, Mary-
land, to the Committee of the Presbyterian Church, in the City
of Baltimore, a corporation, dated June 29th, 1921, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber
S. C. L. 3759, folio 595.

(46) To the sale and conveyance of a lot of ground located
at 5105 Harford Road from George F. Neuner and Margurieta
Xeuner to the Reformed Church Society of Baltimore, the
deed being dated November 22, 1921, and recorded in Liber
S. C. L. 3802, folio 3128.

(47) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Bridget Norton, late of Baltimore City, deceased, of
the sum of seven hundred dollars, to Reverend John T. Whelan
for Masses, the said will being recorded in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills for Baltimore City.

(48) To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of Susan Williams, late of Queen Anne's County, Maryland,
deceased, recorded among the Testamentary Records of said
county, in Will Book, Liber W. T. B. No. 1, folio 274, et seq.,
of ten thousand dollars to the Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Easton, a corporation under
the laws of Maryland.

(49) To the devise and bequest made and contained in the
last will and testament of Doctor Henry P. Hynson, late of
Baltimore City, State of Maryland, deceased, recorded among
the Testamentary Records of said county, in Wills Book, Liber
H. W. J. No. 138, folio 121, et seq., of one Liberty Bond of
the Fnited States, No. 662666., for the principal value of five
hundred dollars, and bearing four and one-quarter per cent,
interest, to the Vestry of Christ Church of I. TJ. Parish, Kent
County, Maryland, to be applied toward the construction of a
railing or fence around said church.

(50) To the bequest of J. Overton Dickinson, late of Talbot
County, Md., deceased, as contained in his last will and testa-


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1062   View pdf image (33K)
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