(41) To the devise and bequest contained in the last will
and testament of Charlotte A. Smith, late of Baltimore County,
deceased, to or for the benefit of the Trustees of the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the L'nited States,
popularly known as the Southern Presbyterian Church, said
devise and bequest being limited to take effect after the death
of the survivor of the said testatrix's two sisters, Harriest J.
Smith and Elizabeth W. Smith, and after the death of a cer-
tain Bridget Queeney.
(42) To the devise and bequest contained in the last will
and testament of Harriet J. Smith, late of Baltimore County,
deceased, admitted to probate in the Orphans' Court of Balti-
more County on or about the 9th day of February, 1909, to
or for the benefit of the Executive Committee of Ministerial
Education and Relief of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, a corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State
of Kentucky, said corporation now being known as the Execu-
tive Committee of Christian Education and Ministerial Relief
of the Presbyterian Church in the Tnited States, said bequest
being limited to take effect after the death of the said testa-
trix's sister, Elizabeth W. Smith.
(43) To the devise and bequest contained in the last will
and testament of Elizabeth W. Smith, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, admitted to probate in the Orphans' Court of Balti-
more City, in or about the- month of September, 1920, to or
for the benefit of the Govanstown Presbyterian Congregation
in the county of Baltimore, a body corporate, incorporated
under the laws of the State of Maryland.
(44) To the devises and bequests of BenjaininF. Bennett
as contained in his last will and testament, dated March 13th,
1913, and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Bal-
timore City, in Liber H. W. J. ISTo. 115, folio 348, as follows:
(a) To the Home Missionary Society and to the Foreign
Missionary Society of the First Methodist Episcopal Church
of Baltimore City, five hundred dollars each;
(b) To the Preachers' Aid Society and to the Relief Fund
of the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
five hundred dollars each;
(e) To the Home for the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Baltimore, the sum of two thousand dollars;
(d) The income from ten thousand dollars for a period of
ten years to the Bennett Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church